Standard Sales Programme - Monthly
Throughout this programme you will receive:
  • Private Coaching Thread with Perry Papast
  • Individual Sales Coaching Q&A Support in a members-only area
  • Instant Access to All Online Trainings on How to Grow Your Sales Deals & Sales Team
  • Access to LIVE Monthly Training Calls (recorded)
The benefits you'll get from this programme are:
  • A proven and reliable way to consistently win sales
  • Make certain you're working the right sales deals, and not chasing your tail
  • Techniques to build better pipeline or new prospect / clients
  • Using ways to effectively help prospects or clients buy your solution, the fastest way
  • Avoid losing deals, avoid being beaten by competition
  • Remove any chances of being ghosted or stalled
Payment Schedule:
$99 USD/month
Step 1: Billing Information
Step 2: Payment Information:
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This website utilizes some of the most advanced techniques to protect your information and personal data including technical, administrative and even physical safeguards againts unauthorized access, misuse and improper disclosure.
Total Due Today:
$99 USD
This is a monthly subscription. You agree to be billed on a monthly basis.
Perry Papast 2024. All rights reserved.